Become the strongest at your gym

I'll get you ridiculously strong for less than the price of a Monster a day.

I'm Dr. Adam Sawyers; Strength Coach, Medical Doctor, Gym Owner, Competitive Powerlifter, and general strength enthusiast.

Over the past 15+ years, I've successfully competed in both Powerlifting and Judo, and have helped hundreds of athletes become unreasonably strong.

For years, I've seen strength athletes get nowhere with conflicting advice online. Many of them, including myself, have literally smashed their heads against the wall in search of progress. The frustration of receiving so much conflicting advice led me to create ASC Performance Coaching.

ASC Performance Coaching is designed to teach a comprehensive coaching framework that puts the fundamentals of health and performance in place, allowing you to excel physically.

My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible to get jacked, massive, lean and strong, without making all the mistakes I have.

If you're looking to get as strong as possible, then this is a no brainer. You literally get the first 28 days for free, then if you continue it's less than the price of a can of Monster a day.

I've condensing everything I've learned in 15+ years, so you can:

- Finally stop inconsistent training and program hopping (so you actually get STRONG instead of staying a low level lifter)

- Sort out your poor nutrition and lifestyle habits that are holding you back from actually being jacked to go alongside your lifts going up.

- Stop getting stuck and plateuing on lifts that are not yet and an elite level (nobody should be stuck benching 87.5kg forever...)

- Accurately manage your training and recovery, at an appropriate level for you, so you stop getting injured and taking one step forwards and 3 back.

Don't get me wrong, I can't promise you'll be deadlifting 500kg, you might not have the genetics for it, but if you're stuck struggling with 4 plates a side and want to get to 6, or even 7, then this is for you.

The reason most people are stuck in their training is simple: most programs lack a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of athletic performance - from programming and technique to nutrition and recovery. Without this holistic view, it's nearly impossible to achieve long-term successes unless you're the absolute genetic elite.

I've been where you are right now. Training is sometimes good, sometimes it sucks, but one thing is for sure - lifts are NOT going up at the rate you want them to. The truth is, until you get a solid protocol in place and the supporting structures around it, you're going to stay stagnant for years to come.

ASC Performance Coaching is built to fix this. It's my way of helping as many people as possible to get strong by ensuring that every aspect of your training is optimised for maximum strength (and jacked-ness).

When it comes to training, I've got you covered, and if I haven't got the right training phase for you yet - I'll build it.

I'll teach you what you need to eat, to optimise your performance in the gym.

On top of this, you can send in your technique, any questions you have and I'll get back to you every week.

To make things even better, you'll have access to both the ASC Performance members site AND ASC Performance App whilst working with me. Meaning you can chat (nonsense, let's be honest) with my other athletes.

New Strength programs every month

Request training phases and they will be written and added to the app for you.

Comprehensive data tracking

The most comprehensive training tracking app, RPE, volume, intensity, PB/PR's, frequency, total lifts, whole training block data, velocity and more...

Exclusive members area

Access to the ASC Performance clients members area for FREE whilst using the app.

Technique review weekly

Upload your videos to the app to save them and get feedback from Dr Adam Sawyers.

Q&A weekly

Every week, get your questions answered in a live Q&A session and access to the library of all previous Q&A calls.

Strength and hypertrophy database

Comprehensive exercise and programming library, constantly being updated.

1. Start free trial

Select your payment method and subscribe for your 28-day risk-free trial. Cancel at anytime. You will not be charged until the end of your trial.

2. Tell me about your situation

Select your program and get started straight away, or join the ASC Performance members site (included for FREE) and ask Dr Adam which program is best for you.

3. Get your technique reviewed

Upload your videos to the app to store them and get feedback from Dr Adam Sawyers.

4. Learn the Logic Behind the Protocols

Every week, get your questions answered in a live Q&A session and access to the library of all previous Q&A calls.

5. Become the strongest person you know

Get stronger, more jacked and leaner. Join the community to also get nutrition support, technique advice and to chat with the rest of the team.
Get ridiculously strong with ASC Performance Coaching.

What does it cost?

ASC Performance Coaching is FREE for the first 28 days, then either £29/month or £290/year. When you click start your free trial, it will take you to a checkout page.

Why is it free for 28 days?

This way, I can help more people get strong. I know a large portion of my audience are in their early 20's, this way I can at least help them out for 4 weeks. Obviously I can't keep it free forever... Also, I'm confident that if you join and get involved, you'll stay around for a long time after.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, just click settings -> Cancel. If you really want to you could join the team, screenshot the programs and get your technique reviewed, then cancel before the end of your free trial. I promise I won't be mad if you do that, just disappointed.

How is it different from 1:1 Coaching?

With 1:1 Coaching I write your full program & protocol specific to you and we have daily communication on a 1:1 basis. With ASC Performance Coaching, you'll have access to a massive library of programs and communication with me in a group setting. That's why the price is so much lower & how I'm able to offer a free trial. If you'd like more information on 1:1 coaching, click here.

How do I sign up for 1:1 Coaching?

Contact me here:

Or just sent me a message on instagram @DrAdamSawyers

I have a competition in X weeks, will this work?

Obviously it depends how close to competition you get signed up. If you're 2 weeks out.. I hate to tell you, you've left it too late. But, if you have a competition a set date in the future, just pop a question in for me and I'll either suggest which training blocks to modify, or write one specifically for you.

How strong do I have to be to start?

You don't. All you need is access to a barbell and rack. Ideally you have an idea on how to perform basic movements, but if not, no problem - I have a comprehensive exercise library so you'll be confident in what you're doing. You can also upload your technique for weekly review too...

What happens when I sign up?

When you sign up, you'll get 2 emails, the first to invite you to the training app, in here you'll log your training, select your programs and use this on a day to day basis. The second email will give you login access to the ASC Performance members site & community, this is where you can interact with me, get your technique reviewed and suggestions on what is best for you.

How many days a week are the programs?

When you click to start your trial, you'll see which programs are currently available - BUT if you need something different, after you've joined just pop a message in the 'requests' thread and I'll sort you out.

What equipment do I need?

Ideally, a barbell, plates, squat rack and bench. Anything less than that isn't really gonna be practical for getting ridiculously strong.

Does the coaching app work on both Apple & Android?


Become the strongest guy in your gym


  • 100% FREE guide to get you STRONG

  • Understand proper Training & Nutrition

  • Learn the 6 performance pillars

  • Individualised technique analysis

  • Custom programming recommendations

  • No payment/card details required

By checking this you agree to be contacted via the methods above about my services. I will NEVER share your information with others.

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